CAS号 [129-02-2] 生产工艺。 1,8-氨基萘甲酸
CAS名:1-Naphthalenecarboxylic acid, 8-amino- Beil. 14.
用途:染料中间体。 LookChem网登录生产与经营单位12家。
BIOS 1152, 121.(=胶卷PB 81027)。1-Amino-8-naphthoic acid. 英国人译自德文,未说明资料来源。
Materials: Naphthostyril [130-00-7] 已上网。 Hydrochloric acid 700 kg。 Brine as necessary。
Procedure: 操作步骤:
The batch (naphthostyril) is then blown onto 1000 l. cold water, and cooled to 20 – 25℃. Hydrochloric acid is then added in sufficient quantity to make it nearly neutral (300 l.).
It is then blown via screening press into a stirred vessel containing 1600 kg. ice and 400 l. hydrochloric acid. The temperature must not rise above 10℃. Then further acid is added to make the batch acid to methyl orange.
The precipitated aminonaphthoic acid is filtered on a nutsche and washed free from acid with brine.
Yield = 700 – 800 kg. paste. ≈145 kg. dry (M.W. 187) = 91.9% theory.
FIAT 1313,II, 91-2.(=胶卷PB 85172)。 1-Carboxy-8-amino naphthalene. 英国人译自德文,未说明资料来源。
The melt (naphthostyril) is transferred to a 5500 liter, cast iron, jacketed kettle, in which has been previously placed 1000 liters of water and after being well mixed, the charge is cooled by means of the jacket to 20 – 25℃.
350 kilograms of hydrochloric acid (31.5%) are then added slowly under the surface of the slurry, by means of a rubber lined pipe dipping below the surface of the charge.
This acid is added to cut down the bulk of alkalinity of the charge, which should still be alkaline at the end of the addition. The volume of the charge at this point should be about 2500 liters.
The temperature is now adjusted to 25℃ and a sample sent to the laboratory, after which the charge is blown into a 6000 liter acid proof brick lined tank in which has previously been placed 1600 kilograms of ice and 560 kilograms of hydrochloric acid (31.5%).
Under these conditions with the temperature kept below 10℃, sulfur dioxide gas is evolved and foaming takes place and the 1-carboxy-8-amino naphthalene is precipitated.
The addition of hydrochloric acid is continued in small portions until a permanent acid reaction is obtained on Congo Red paper, avoiding, however, any large excess of acid. The slurry is then allowed to agitate for one hour and is filtered on a porous stone nutsch of three square meters filter atea.
The nutsch layer is washed with 200 liters of 50Be’ salt solution, through the kettle, then with two portions of 400 liters each of 50Be’ salt solution, being careful to avoid cracks in the layer.
The nutsch cake, which is nearly white in color, is sucked down well on the nutsch, and no color of sulfur dioxide should be apparent at this point.
Yield = 700 – 800 kilograms of paste = 172 kilograms dry equivalent (100% Mol. Wt.) = 93% of theory.
细田豊 《理论制造染料化学》。技報當 出版。1957年。P. 729. 1-Carboxy-8-aminonaphthalene (8-Amino-1-naphthoic acid).
Naphthostyril に5.5 m3 の铸铁釜の水1 tに加えジャケットで20 - 250 に冷し盐酸359 kgを加えてアルカリの大部分をを中和した後,6 m3 の耐酸炼瓦张槽の冰1.6 t,盐酸560 kgの中に100 以下で排出すればSO2 が出,アミノカルボン酸が沉淀する。コンゴ- 酸性で1 h後3 m3 stoneで滤過,NaCl 50Be’液200 l で釜を通して洗いなお400 l ずつつ2回洗う。172 kg(泥状700 – 800 kg),收率93%。(译自FIAT 1313).
PB 25627, 2257-2263. 1-Aminonaphthalene-8-carboxylic acid. 1938年9月德文生产工艺原件。未抄录。
上海市有机化学工业公司《染料生产工艺汇编》。1976年。P. 417-423. 还原灰BG,其中8-氨基-1-萘甲酸的生产工艺。
萘内酰胺的水解:在锅内加入一批萘内酰亚胺滤饼及液碱(30%)366公斤,调整体积至1,100升。加热至95 – 100℃,保温2小时。冷至50℃,过滤,得1,8-氨基萘甲酸钠盐 120 – 130公斤。(抄注:产品为钠盐,本人暂未找到其CAS号,其酸式CAS号为[129-02-2])。
(俄)A.B. Eлььцова 《染料及中间体实验室合成方法》。1985年。§2.3 还原亮橙KX,其中8-氨基-1-萘甲酸的合成。
将装有搅拌,温度计和回流冷凝器的100毫升三口烧瓶,置于电加热油浴中,加入10毫升水,搅拌下加入一次加入已加热到50℃,来自压热器的萘内酰胺反应物料,加热到98 – 100℃,搅拌保温3小时。
将装有搅拌的200毫升烧杯,固定在卡圈内,加入20毫升冷水,搅拌下加入热的水解物,冷至20 – 25℃,加浓盐酸(约6毫升)使其对广泛试纸呈中性,然后将物料用冰盐水冷至 -5 – -8℃,再用盐酸酸化到对广泛试纸 pH 4 – 3,过滤出纯度,滤饼用100毫升10% 食盐溶液洗涤到中性,抽干,物料置于培养皿中,于60℃烘箱中干燥。
徐克勋 主编《有机化工原料及中间体便览》。辽宁省石油化工技术情报总站 出版。1989年。P. 604. 1,8-氨基萘甲酸。
侯乐山 主编《中国精细化工产品集 – 原料及中间体10396种》。2006年。P. 48. 1-氨基-8-萘甲酸;8-氨基-1-萘甲酸。
中国化工信息中心 全国精细化工原料及中间体行业协作组 出版。《版权所有 未经允许 不得翻印》。
张澍声 《精细化工中间体及产品生产工艺》。沈阳院出版。2006年。P. 553. 1-氨基萘-8-甲酸。
萘内酰胺水解:在2000 L水解锅中放水300 L,搅拌下加入萘内酰胺滤饼和180 kg 100% 氢氧化钠,加水至总体积为1500 L。升温到110 – 120℃,保温搅拌2小时,降温至30℃,细流加入300 kg 盐酸中和,得到1-氨基萘-8-甲酸。
何岩彬 主编《染料品种大全》。沈阳出版社 出版。2018年。P. 1943. 中文名称:8-氨基-1-萘甲酸。
【可合成的染料】C.I. 还原橙3;C.I. 还原橙9;C.I. 颜料红168。
陈忠源 2020年12月30日星期三。